“Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.” Frantz Fanon.

Proem: There is a Spiritual world out there you need to get accustomed to.

Title: The Ultimate Apology Before Armaggedon*

Subtitile: Tanakh- the Pentateuch

Poem: Revealed is one of the two prophets who stood still against the anti-Christ.

“What is your name,” she asked, “and where are you from?” Christian from the Republic of Chad.

It was written of him [in the Torah,] that Salvation will come from the Kingdom of Nubia.

Departed, was the Red Sea, when the Chosen People left Egypt, Africa.

The new Moses who walks on turbulent waters; make it known even in Asia and Australia.

It’s finished, beheaded was the Beast that has been spurring up America.


We do not have to adapt to changes that are not beneficial to our kind or the majority of people-Reality.

It is something we can get used to, perhaps alter since we have been the change-factor we have been ignoring and silencing for the longest. What is living? In the name of the only Begotten Son, please believe!

It is Noon and this is food for your brain cells. Instead of blindly giving praises and proclaiming the achievements of Maya Angelou, the steps taken by Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, the resilience of Nelson Mandela, the seat that Rosa Park took as she stood for us, and the amazing words of Léopold Sédar Senghor, let us reflect on the impacts we can make on today and tomorrow.

© Christian Djimra Koumtog
Picture by Brazilian digital artist: Moises Gomes

*Armageddon will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario. Wikipedia.

Published by: ckoumtog

Activist, Model, Poet/Writer, Soccer Player and an Entrepreneur at ENTREPRENEUR DE DEMAIN. I have to clarify that my focus from 2006 until 2012 was modeling and the Entertainment business. I never wanted to be an actor although I currently have two Wavers under my belt. I just "need" one more to go from being a Non Union to an Union (SAG) "actor" but {again} that was never my passion- acting! I (nonetheless) have [indeed] done a number of background acting works and gigs. My first work was for NBC and the first show I have ever worked on was 30 Rock. It was unbelievable being on stage with Aleck Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, Tina Faye, LL Cool J, Wayne Brady (those last two were featured co-Stars); that was shot on 2/08/2007. I also did some background acting on Cashmere Mafia for ABC as of 9/2007, Ugly Betty from 2008-2010, Kings (2009), Royal Pains and the Good Wife (2010). It was great being an extra also in Films like: THE SMURFS (shot on June 2010) and NEW YEAR'S EVE (2011). As a Poet, I not only want to convey what I feel but {I want to} also express what you, the reader, feel. My inspiration is the loving grace of God (Jesus Christ), my country of birth, the Republic of Chad (Africa) and this World you and I live in. I also find it in Nature (her beauty), my Family and experience. But also in great writers and people like Leopold Sedar Senghor, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, e e cummings, Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and Jacques Prevert (he is French, I am fluent in French). I also did model as mentioned, I have done a number of fashion shows (Couture Fashion Week in 2009 & 2010, Africa Fashion Week in 2009, etc) when speaking of my younger days. As a soccer player, I played every Sunday in an amateur league in Long Island City and Flushing, Queens. Actually, I went to Kansas City March of 2011 to try out professionally to be part of the Kansas City Sporting (a Major League Soccer) team. I did not make it, unfortunately. My sense of Activism is an everyday matter, from the way I carry myself to writing and promoting this beautiful Art called Poetry. In the future, it will involve concrete actions in developing not only Chad but Africa and promoting the values of Education. I am currently dabbling with the thought of becoming an accomplished lucrative poet (I write a lot!), becoming and a successful Entrepreneur. But yes, I would love to be connected to an understanding PUBLISHING COMPANY that will understand my creative drive and artistic vision so please reach out to me or refer my work if you can. As you read and as you saw, my real Passion is Poetry. I love writing poems. Recently, I have been performing it only because it was another way to reach out to People (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAKfUhJ4BJ8). I recently was asked to blog for the 2013 Men's Pageant for Face of Africa. (Here is the first article I wrote http://faceofafricausa.com/preparation/). "Home-less" was a poem written for a project that was helping people affected by hunger and poverty. It was for the The FWCares Project. http://flexwriterblogsonline.net/?p=231. My self-published book of poetry, entitled CLASSICS: DIPLOMATS IN EXILE (2007) is my #1 Achievement. I started writing at the age of 18. I am in need of sponsors and/or publishers. This vision God blessed me with is simple: We Will Change The World One Poem At A Time. NON STOP POETRY... It is within ALL of us! Just find it.

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